This Mother’s Day, we are celebrating all the career moms who are leading successful lives, owning businesses, and inspiring mothers everywhere to pursue their dreams!
A MunaMommy is a woman of strength. She is powerful, determined, intelligent, kind, and loving. She is fierce. And she knows, no matter what, that she can overcome whatever life throws her way. Because motherhood isn’t easy, but raising a child is one of the most rewarding and challenging experiences life has to offer.
Being a career mom adds an entirely new level to the motherhood experience. Motherhood in itself is a job! However, now on top of making strides in their chosen fields, career moms face the complex task of balancing being a mother and partner and maintaining their sense of self.
This is a daunting task. It’s easy for moms to feel guilty, like they’re not being a “good” mom or falling short in some way. But what does a “good” mom even look like? Essentially, there is no one-size-fits-all way of mothering (or parenting, for that matter!). Being a mom comes in many forms with unique challenges.
Luckily, here at MunaMommy, we are here to support you!
As I have yet to be blessed with the gift of motherhood, I reached out to career moms I have encountered to hear their perspectives, glean their advice, and share their stories. Below, we invite you to read our exclusive interview with five career moms who are excelling in their respective industries and proving that moms really do run the world!
Special guests from our partner magazine, MunaLuchi Bride, include MunaLuchi’s very own CEO, Jacqueline Nwobu, MunaLuchi’s Marketing Communications Specialist and Entrepreneur, Desiree Dossen, and MunaCoterie Wedding and Event Planner, Ebony C. Stewart. Additional moms of the hour include Luxury Destination Wedding Photographer, Nicole Taufiq, and SVP of Romance & Celebrations at Unique Vacations, Inc., Debbie-Ann White.
From business owners and photographers to event planners and top executives, these moms are sure to inspire you!
Jacqueline Nwobu
- Number of children: 3
- Years in business: 15
- Company name: Muna Media Group which consists of MunaLuchi Bride Magazine, MunaMommy, & Coterie Retreat

How do you balance being a mom and a business owner?
Over the years I have found that there is no balance when it comes to motherhood. The attempt to find balance often leaves us moms feeling unaccomplished because it’s a nearly impossible task. Rather than looking for a balance between motherhood and entrepreneurship, I make an effort to create opportunities where I can spend quality time with my family. I may bring them along on a work trip and make it a mini-family getaway, so although it’s work, we still have some family time and can create memories to look back on.
What advice would you give other career moms?
To my fellow career moms, don’t beat yourself up. You are doing the best you know how and that is perfectly fine. Continue to excel and thrive at work, but always make time, even if it’s just a minimal amount of time to make memories with your family. And document those memories often, not for social media, but just so you can look back on them in the future.
Do you ever experience “mom guilt”? If so, how do you deal with it, and do you have any tips for other career moms?
I definitely have had feelings of mom guilt in my early days of motherhood. (I’ve been a mother for 16 years). The feeling is inevitable. I’ve learned over the years to give myself grace, for motherhood is a journey that is unique to every mother, and there is no manual for how to properly be a mother. I’m extremely intentional about my time and how I spend it. I’ll often turn down events to ensure I can attend important milestones or activities involving my children. Prioritizing what’s important to me and setting boundaries have helped me navigate any feelings of guilt over the years.
Would you like to share any childhood memories of your mom or a special memory as a mom yourself?
The moment I had my first child, I had an immediate appreciation for my mom. It’s not as though I didn’t appreciate her prior to becoming a mom, but the feeling was just paramount once my daughter was born. Throughout my childhood, I watched my mom work long hours as an OBGYN Nurse. She still works at the age of 71! And she did all of that while raising 4 children. It’s just inspiring looking back on all that she accomplished for herself and how she was able to provide a wonderful life for my siblings and me. Most importantly, she set an example of how to navigate motherhood with grace, while being appreciative of the little things.
Do you have a special quote that you live by or think about to give yourself encouragement?
“We think people are paying far more attention to us than they are. Harsh truth: Your freedom begins the day you realize nobody is thinking about you.” – Ben Meer

Desiree Dossen
- Number of children: 1
- Years in business: 2
- Company name: House Of Destinē BTQ (Taking a small hiatus, rebranding); Faith, Fashion, & Footwear brand @HouseofDestine

How do you balance being a mom and a business owner?
I’ve always wanted to be an entrepreneur since both of my parents are business owners. Specifically, I’ve watched my mom run a beauty business and work a 9-5 at the hospital simultaneously. So I knew I could do it if she did it with 5 children. Having a healthy and realistic balance and being organized are key. I started my business when I was pregnant so I had a routine already.
After giving birth, my business slowed down a bit being that I was trying to focus on being a mom first. My business is an online business so having a set schedule for myself, my son, and my business is what helped me. Although I am taking a break from my business, the same routine and schedules help me when I work in the office and at home with MunaLuchi Bride. The spirit of procrastination does not live here anymore because deadlines have to be met.
What advice would you give other career moms?
Do what works best for you! It is easy to get sucked into comparing yourself to other moms on social media; however, everybody’s circumstances are not the same. Comparison is the thief of joy! Stop looking at the glamorous posts online and embrace your own beauty and reality. Asking for help does not make you weak. Saying no and prioritizing yourself does not make you selfish, it may act as a form of self-care.
When I was solely a business owner I would ask my partner to drop off packages for me so I didn’t have to leave the house with the baby and do a post-office run. Sleep when you can because I wanted to be this super girl-boss mom and I barely slept after my son was born. I was thinking about a million ways to be the ultimate “Chief Executive Woman” and neglecting myself most days.
Last bit of advice: NEVER SETTLE! Keep glowing and keep growing!

Do you ever experience “mom guilt”? If so, how do you deal with it, and do you have any tips for other career moms?
I have experienced it and still experience it to this day. My pregnancy was unplanned, I was in my last year of school and I aimed to be this corporate mogul/serial entrepreneur. I wanted to be settled in my career and settled in a home that I owned prior to starting a family. However, just because I started my family early doesn’t mean that all of my dreams will not be my reality one day.
I wanted to be 100% prepared prior to starting my family and so most days I feel really guilty because I am still figuring it out. What keeps me going though, is my faith in God and my determination to never give up. Pushing forward always towards progress even if it is a small win… a win is a win.
Also going out and having a life again after your baby is born is totally fine. I used to be sad about going out and thinking about my son while I am out when I am supposed to be taking a break. But if I am not good and relaxed then there will be havoc around me and I don’t like that. I dislike operating in dysfunction so prioritizing personal days for me is beneficial.
It’s okay to have mom guilt just don’t let it consume you. Always find a solution or a healthy balance to everything you are doing. As long as your child is in the hands of a trustworthy individual that is all that matters. Go for a walk, go to brunch, get some sunlight, travel, but take care of your physical, mental, and spiritual health.
Would you like to share any childhood memories of your mom or a special memory as a mom yourself?
I have many special memories with my mom. But in my early childhood years, my mother worked a lot, probably more than the average person. I just remember how she impacted lives through her lines of work and it always inspired me to do the same. No matter what job or business I do I want to impact lives in a positive way.
My mom had a red toolbox with her “beauty tools” in it. She went to cosmetology school and became a licensed cosmetologist. She started off as a nail tech in our home and then turned our apartment into a beauty salon. My mother inspires me so much. She now owns a salon and has been in business for 11 years. The red toolbox always brings back memories because we used to sit on it while she would braid our hair in the living room. We would grab the toolbox kit and put a pillow on it and even though she was tired after making all of her clients look beautiful, she had time for each and every one of us to do our hair.
My son is one and will be 2 this June. We are making memories every day and I cannot wait to see what God has planned for him.
Do you have a special quote that you live by or think about to give yourself encouragement?
I have many laws that I live by, actually. Most of them are scriptures from the Bible, but a quote that keeps me going is that faith is greater than fear. Without God I am nothing. All of these earthly affairs mean absolutely nothing if my soul is not fed through the Word of God.
My journey is unique to me and I am a believer in God because I have experienced his goodness, mercy, and favor in my life even when I was not worthy of it. That is what keeps me going.
Other laws I live by:
- “Still, I Rise” – Maya Angelou
- “Do not conform to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind” – Romans 12: 2
- “Faith it till you make it!”
- “Glowing in Grace” – Living Daughters United

Ebony C. Stewart
- Number of children: 2 boys
- Years in business: 9 years
- Company name: EbonyCattouse Events & Glammore DMC Limited

How do you balance being a mom and a business owner?
First, I’d like to say I don’t believe the two can be balanced. For me, it takes a village, a strong team of supporters. My husband, my mom, godparents, babysitter, etc… Being a mom and an entrepreneur is who I am; but I’m a mom first. ALWAYS.
What advice would you give other career moms?
My advice to other moms out there is let go of mom guilt (it’s not healthy for you or your child). Avoid trying to do it all and create some me time.

Do you ever experience “mom guilt”? If so, how do you deal with it, and do you have any tips for other career moms?
I experienced mom guilt with my second son. Even with the support system I have, I found it challenging but learned to eventually let go of “mom guilt”. I had daily affirmations, journaling, and therapy to work my way through those new feelings and emotions for the first year as a mom the second time around. Now when I travel for work, they understand and go on the journey with me and it feels great knowing that I have their support.
Would you like to share any childhood memories of your mom or a special memory as a mom yourself?
My mom was always working when I was a kid and growing up in Belize, most times I would accompany her. So whenever I can take my kids with me to work or have them be a part of the behind the scenes of any event I produced, it warms my heart. They get to see how hard I work and experience it along with me. I want to thank my mom for sharing that experience with me that I now share with my boys.
Do you have a special quote that you live by or think about to give yourself encouragement?
The quote is more of a habit and it brings me peace, and that is: “Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood.” This is one of the habits from the book, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, by Stephen R. Covey.

Nicole Taufiq
- Number of children: 3
- Years in business: 6 years
- Company name: P.Taufiq Photography

How do you balance being a mom and a business owner?
It’s been a journey of trial and error and letting go. With children, one thing you quickly realize is that a one-size approach doesn’t always work. We are an international wedding company which means weekly travel and staying in new hotels is our normal. Our weddings span over days which means we always have a babysitter with the kids when we are shooting. Many hotels have a kids club which is such a blessing.
On days we are not shooting or have long breaks, that’s when I plan activities for the kids. Be it sightseeing or just hanging at the pool, everything is scheduled. I homeschool them as well, so their work assignments are set for when I am away and for when we have time to study together. We have a fluid daily routine.
What advice would you give other career moms?
Be your own advocate, seek help when you need it, don’t compare yourself to other moms, realizing you cannot do it all and that’s ok. Give yourself grace, remember you are giving it your best. Set achievable goals, it’s so fulfilling when you reach them! Find joy in small moments throughout the day or week. Be present when you are with the kids. Take time for yourself daily, which could be extra time in the shower, vegetating in bed, or spending time on self-care.

Do you ever experience “mom guilt”? If so, how do you deal with it, and do you have any tips for other career moms?
All the time. It comes in waves. This is where the letting go part comes in. With weddings, events might go longer, or the start time might change, and I have something planned with the kids and I have to change plans. Most of the time the kids understand, but there are times they don’t. It’s heartbreaking to not have control and that’s when the guilt sets in.
I let myself feel those emotions but I always remind myself my intentions were pure and that I cannot control everything. Our lifestyle is not conventional by any means, my kids are homeschooled, and they live most of the year internationally. Initially, there was a little mom guilt but that quickly changed when I witness on a daily the benefits that come from our world experience. My kids are extremely adjusted to all the uncertainties that come with our life.
Would you like to share any childhood memories of your mom or a special memory as a mom yourself?
I grew up in India, my mom got married young, and after she had kids she always wanted to follow her dreams of becoming a Hairstylist. My dad supported her dreams and she went off to study at Vidal Sassoon London for a year. I was 8 years old, my brother was 9 and my sister was 6.
I remember how hard it was on her and us. Those days we didn’t have FaceTime like we do today, flights weren’t cheap so she could only make one trip to see us. When she got back after graduating at the top of her class, she set out to build her business and now is the proud owner of 4 salons.
I have always been so proud of her achievements. The interesting piece is that I decided I wanted to follow my passion for photography after I had my second child, spent time immersing myself in everything related to photography, practiced, and decided to give it my all.
One thing I couldn’t do that my mom did was be away from my kids and hence they travel everywhere with me! Is it easy or convenient, absolutely not. But that’s a non-negotiable.
Do you have a special quote that you live by or think about to give yourself encouragement?
One of my favorite quotes is from a book that really resonated with me, The Parents Tao Te Ching: Ancient Advice for modern parents.
The quote states: “Do not ask your children to strive for extraordinary lives. Such striving may seem admirable, but it is the way of foolishness. Help them instead to find the wonder and the marvel of ordinary life. Show them the joy of tasting tomatoes, apples, and pears. Show them how to cry when pets and people die. Show them the infinite pleasure in the touch of a hand. And make the ordinary come alive for them. The extraordinary will take care of itself.”

Debbie-Ann White
- Number of Children: 1
- Years in position: 1 year (26 years total with Sandals & Beaches Resorts)
- Title: SVP of Romance & Celebrations at Unique Vacations, Inc. Worldwide Representative of Sandals and Beaches Resorts

How do you balance being a mom and a full-time executive/business owner?
Striving to maintain balance while being a mom and working full-time (especially in the business of travel) is certainly a balancing act. Simply put, I don’t do anything alone. I am blessed to have had the support of my mom who has been my anchor on this incredible journey of motherhood.
There is no way I would have been able to sustain the high demands of my job if it wasn’t for her. She has experienced so many milestone moments with my daughter Lian while I was away on business – from hearing her say her first word, to the loss of her first tooth, to even her first emergency run to the hospital!
I am truly blessed that my mom was there for these special moments during my absence.
What advice would you give other career moms?
Don’t be afraid to raise your hand when you need help. Also, make sure to not lose yourself in either role as a mom or a boss. You must prioritize taking care of yourself and it’s not selfish to do so. Whether it be one-hour of me time working out, going for a massage, or getting my hands dirty in my garden – “self” time makes me a better mom, partner, and all-around better person.
Lastly, do not sacrifice what’s most important to you. For me, my title as “mom” comes first before anything. After being gone for maternity leave and coming back to work, I had to find the courage to sit down with the powers that be and set expectations and boundaries to make time for what was truly important to me.

Do you ever experience “mom guilt”? If so, how do you deal with it, and do you have any tips for other career moms?
Do I ever have mom guilt? Always! I had to travel a lot for business when my daughter was very young, and most definitely felt the mom guilt. But when I came home, I always made sure to truly spend quality time with my daughter. Being present by putting away the cellphone and getting on the floor and playing or doing anything she wanted.
Sometimes I think I even overcompensated for it – allowing her sleep with me when I was home. And yes, I did that and got a lot of negative feedback from friends about it. But my advice on that is to simply do what works for you. Guess what? She eventually grew out of wanting to sleep with me, but it was amazing while it lasted.
Lastly, moms don’t be so hard on yourself.
Would you like to share any childhood memories of your mom or a special memory as a mom yourself?
My love of travel doesn’t just translate in my work life. I love taking trips with my family and have had some of the most incredible memories involving travel with my daughter and my mom. To be able to explore and expose the world of travel to my daughter is truly a blessing and life’s greatest lesson for her.
Do you have a special quote that you live by or think about to give yourself encouragement?
“You will bloom if you take time to water yourself.”

Looking for more ways to celebrate Mother’s Day?
Click here.
Featured Career Moms & Photographers:
- Muna Mom: Jacqueline Nwobu, CEO of Muna Media Group (Munaluchi Bride Magazine, MunaMommy, & Coterie Retreat)
- Photographer (Professional Headshot): Trene’ Forbes Photography
- Muna Mom: Desiree Dossen of House Of Destinē
- Photographer of Brown Photos: Team Brima Photography by Mohamed Kamara
- Photographer of Family Images: IBD Photography
- Muna Mom: Nicole Taufiq of P.Taufiq Photography
- Photographer: P.Taufiq Photography
- Muna Mom: Ebony C. Stewart of EbonyCattouse Events & Glammore DMC Limited
- Photographer (Professional Headshot): SYphotography
- Photographer (Family Photos): Nicole J. Leverett of STAY N FOCUS
- Muna Mom: Debbie-Ann White – SVP of Romance & Celebrations at Unique Vacations, Inc. Worldwide Representative of Sandals and Beaches Resorts
- Photographer: Helena Chung (Debbie-Ann’s mom)